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Extension cords are one of the most common household items, but there are many different kinds of extension cords built for different purposes. Here’s what you should know about extension cords and when they can and can’t be used.

延长线是最常见的家用物品之一,但是有许多种不同用途的延长线。 这是有关延长线以及何时可以使用和不可以使用的信息。

不同的规格(又名AWG) (The Different Gauges (aka AWG))

The wires inside an extension cord come in all different thicknesses, which is denoted as “gauge”. It’s also sometimes referred to as “AWG”, which stands for American Wire Gauge. However, don’t get this confused with the actual thickness of the cord itself (though the thicker the gauge, the thicker the cable, to an extent). Instead, gauge refers to the thickness of the wires inside the extension cord.

延长线内部的电线具有不同的厚度,称为“线规”。 有时也称为“ AWG”,代表美国线规。 但是,请不要将其与电线本身的实际厚度相混淆(尽管在一定程度上,线规越粗,电缆越粗)。 取而代之的是,规格是指延长线内部电线的粗细。

Extension cords range anywhere from 18 gauge to 10 gauge, with 10 gauge being the thickest. Lower gauge (aka thicker) wires allow more electrical current to flow through the extension cord, making lower-gauge cords better for larger appliances and tools that need a lot of juice.

延长线的范围从18号到10号,其中10号是最粗的。 较小规格的(也称为较粗的)电线允许更多的电流流经延长线,从而使较小规格的电线更适合需要大量果汁的较大设备和工具。

Most higher-gauge extension cords are pretty thin and compact (like ), and made to be used with electronics that don’t need a lot of power, like lamps, alarm clocks, fans, and more. These are also known as “light duty” extension cords.

大多数高规格的延长线是相当超薄,紧凑的(就像 ),并提出与不需要大量的电力,灯具类,闹钟,风扇和更多的电子可以使用。 这些也称为“轻型”延长线。

Thicker-gauge extension cords in the range of 10-14 gauge are known as “medium duty” or “heavy duty” extension cords (like ) and usually look like a really-thick ethernet cable of sorts. They also usually have bulkier connectors at the ends to protect the components on the inside. However, you can sometimes find light-duty extension cords that look like heavy-duty ones (like ), so be sure to double check the gauge, which can sometimes be found printed on the cord itself.

10-14号规格范围内的较粗规格的延长线被称为“中型”或“重型”延长线(像 ),通常看起来像真正的粗以太网电缆。 它们通常在端部还具有较大的连接器,以保护内部的组件。 但是,有时您会发现轻型延长线看上去很像重负荷型的延长线(像 ),因此请务必仔细检查量规,有时会发现该量规印在了电线本身上。

Thicker-gauge extension cords are suited for more demanding appliances and tools, like space heaters, refrigerators, and more. There’s a lot of controversy about using extension cords with demanding appliances, so we’ll talk more about that in a moment.

较粗规格的延长线适用于要求更高的家用电器和工具,例如太空加热器,冰箱等。 关于将延长线与要求苛刻的设备一起使用存在很多争议,因此我们稍后将详细讨论。

接地与不接地 (Grounded vs. Ungrounded)

The moment you set eyes on different extension cords, you’ll notice one glaring difference: the plug will either have two or three prongs. The third prong is a ground connection, which provides a return path for excess electrical current to prevent damage to the appliance, or even worse, electrical shock to the user if there’s a short.

当您将目光投向不同的延长线时,您会发现一个明显的不同:插头将具有两个或三个插脚。 第三个插脚是接地连接,可为多余的电流提供返回路径,以防止损坏设备,甚至在短路时对用户造成电击。

You’ll mostly see light-duty extension cords sport only two prongs, which is also known as an ungrounded extension cord. These can be used safely with items that don’t draw a lot of power (lamps, fans, clocks, etc.). However, if an appliance has a three-pronged plug, you’ll need to plug it into a three-pronged (aka grounded) extension cord.

您通常会看到轻型延长线仅带有两个插脚,也称为不接地的延长线。 这些可以安全地用于耗电量不大的物品(电灯,风扇,时钟等)。 但是,如果设备的插头是三芯的,则需要将其插入三芯(也称为接地)的延长线上。

You can plug an appliance with a two-pronged plug into a grounded extension cord without a problem, but do not plug in a three-pronged plug into an ungrounded extension cord (by using ), mostly because anything with a ground prong is usually high-powered and should not be plugged into a light-duty extension cord in the first place.

您可以将带有两芯插头的设备毫无问题地插入接地的延长线中,但不要将三芯插头插入不接地的延长线中(通过使用 ),这主要是因为任何带有接地插脚的东西通常是高功率的,一开始不应该插入轻型延长线。

户外与室内 (Outdoor vs. Indoor)

Just by looking at an extension cord, you may not be able to tell if it can be used outdoors or only indoors, but the insulation that the extension cord uses makes all the difference.


Most indoor light-duty extension cords (like the one pictured above) have little insulation, and would eventually deteriorate when exposed to the outdoor elements for any significant amount of time. Outdoor extension cords, however, have much better insulation and more of it. They’re able to withstand the hot sun, as well as the freezing winter without causing any problems.

大多数室内轻型延长线(如上图所示)几乎没有绝缘,并且在暴露于室外的任何长时间后最终会变质。 但是,室外延长线的绝缘性要好得多。 他们能够承受烈日,以及寒冷的冬天而不会造成任何问题。

However, many outdoor extension cords don’t provide a water-tight seal where the plug is, since there’s really no way to achieve that in the first place. So it’s still recommended that you be careful around wet areas and elevate the plugs if there’s any standing water in the area. It’s also a good idea to wrap the connection in plastic to prevent rain water from making its way inside.

但是,许多户外延长线在插头所处的位置并不能提供防水密封,因为实际上根本没有办法做到这一点。 因此,仍然建议您在潮湿的地方小心,如果该区域有积水,请升高插头。 将连接件包裹在塑料中也是一个好主意,以防止雨水进入其内部。

何时何地不应该使用延长线 (When and Where You Shouldn’t Use Extension Cords)

Contrary to what you may think about extension cords, there are some instances where they shouldn’t be used, depending on the appliance and how far away it is.


First off, extension cords can only be so long. In general, the thicker the cord is (gauge-wise), the longer it can be (up to around 150 feet with the thickest cords). This is why you hardly ever see light-duty extension cords longer than 25 feet or so, because the voltage would die down before it reached the appliance, resulting in devices not getting enough power and possibly creating safety hazards. This is also why you shouldn’t daisy chain extension cords.

首先,延长线只能这么长。 通常,线越粗(按规格),则线越长(最粗的线可达150英尺左右)。 这就是为什么您几乎看不到超过25英尺左右的轻型延长线的原因,因为电压会在到达设备之前下降,从而导致设备无法获得足够的功率并可能造成安全隐患。 这也是为什么您不应该使用菊花链延长线的原因。

Furthermore, extension cords should not be installed inside of walls and used permanently, because they’re unshielded and not heat-resistant, whereas true romex electrical wire is.


As for using extension cords to power high-wattage appliances like a space heater or a hair dryer, it’s generally frowned upon. Most appliance manufacturers will tell you not to do this, because it’s really easy to use an extension cord that isn’t rated for the power needed from the appliance. However, it’s generally not a problem if you use the correct type of extension cord.

至于使用延长线为大功率电器(如太空加热器或吹风机)供电,通常会感到烦恼。 大多数设备制造商都会告诉您不要执行此操作,因为使用未达到设备所需电源额定值的延长线确实很容易。 但是,如果使用正确类型的延长线,通常不会有问题。

For instance, if your space heater pulls 15 amps, you’ll want an extension cord that can handle at least 15 amps. This means you’ll probably end up with at least a 14-gauge extension cord, but even 10- or 12-gauge cords will work as well. What you don’t want to do is use a light-duty extension cord that isn’t rated for the power draw a space heater pulls—that’s asking for trouble.

例如,如果您的太空加热器的电流为15安培,那么您将需要一根至少可处理15安培的延长线。 这意味着您可能最终会得到至少14号规格的延长线,但即使10号或12号规格的延长线也可以使用。 您不想要做的是使用轻型延长线,该延长线的额定功率不超过空间加热器拉出的功率,这会带来麻烦。




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